The Playstation Vita, also known as the PS Vita, is Sony's latest entry into the handheld gaming system market. The Vita is the successor to the Sony Portable.
The American and UK release date is February 22, 2012. If the Pre-Order Bundle is purchased through Amazon the system will ship a week earlier. The Vita was released in Japan on December 17, 2011.
The Vita is backwards compatible with older Sony games through downloads from the Sony Store. The system also supports chatting with friends, which will add to the gameplay experience.
The PS Vita comes in two different versions: the WiFi compatible device and a 3G/WiFi version. The Pre-order bundle is the 3G/WiFi, with a special, limited edition case, a 4GB memory card, and the addictive game Little Deviants.
The Vita is one of the hottest new pieces of technology for 2012. Originally it was planned to be released in time for Christmas, but then the date was changed to February. There is plenty of buzz and demand for it, both from longtime Sony fans, and those who love portable gaming.
I will post some reviews after the release!
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