Jake and the Neverland Pirates is a children's show on Disney Junior. The show is set in Never Land, the home of Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and one hungry crocodile! Instead of Peter Pan, the show is about a trio of pirate friends. Jake is the leader and carries a wooden sword that Peter Pan gave him. Second in command is Izzy. She has special magic fairy dust that can be used to make the pirates fly. They are only supposed to use it when it is absolutely necessary. Cubby is the third and youngest member. He has a map of Never Land that they use to get around.
The show is a combination of a show and a video game. Conflicts arise, usually from Captain Hook, and then the kids have to solve puzzles or mini-quests. As they do they are rewarded with gold doubloons. They manage to wrap up the problem and resolution in 11 minute segments. At the end of the 2 segment episode there is live pirate rock music. This adds a very fun element to the show.
Click for more information about Disney Junior Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
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